Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Too Much Too Young!

The Specials played an incredible set at Glastonbury over the weekend and were clad in T.U.K's finest including the black and white leather Low Round Creepers. Check out BBC iplayer here to see the Pyramid stage in full 2 Tone glory.

Monday, 29 June 2009


Check out the fashion shoot in this month's Notion Magazine featuring three favorites from T.U.K.. First up is the newest addition from the Creeper family the Creep Slam in patent black with pink stitching, the shoe is a hybrid of a slam high-top and the infamous creeper sole but with a sporty makeover.
Featuring next with an American Apparel swimsuit are the classic T.U.K. black and white Low Round Creepers, followed by fashion's favorite - the black leather Mondo Creeper.
Thanks Notion x

Thursday, 25 June 2009

Festival DOs & DON'Ts

With Glastonbury kicking off this week we've been getting into the festival spirit reading up on the DOs & DON'T s with the Vice Festival Guide featuring black leather T.U.K. high creepers. Loving the looks but I don't think we'll be climbing any trees in ours!

Wednesday, 10 June 2009

Hello Sailor!

We love the Dazed & Confused shoot of Topshop's S/S designer collaborations with Marios Schwab, Richard Nicoll and Jonathan Saunders for 2009, featuring both T.U.K. black suede low creepers with white interlace and T.U.K. black leather creepers.

Monday, 1 June 2009

Think Pink

The Nathan Jendon Runway show was rocking the creeper style in hot pink, head over to the online store to get yourself a pair: www.tukshoes.co.uk